1 min read

The Challenge

The Challenge

We created this challenge to encourage people to set their own reading goals, to start small and read more. And to read more diverse content.

How does this work?

We'll pick a theme for each month. You can read any book that fits the theme.
You're certainly not restricted to any reading order. Feel free to read any theme that interests you, irrespective of the month. Feel free to read as many books per theme as you'd like.

Start the challenge by setting a target for yourself. If you're keen to do this challenge on your own, please feel free to follow along on our Instagram page. If you'd like to join our community, please share your details here and we'll be in touch!

What next?

Take a look at the monthly themes as well as the bonus themes. Pick books that fit the themes and start reading! Check out the recommendations that have been crowdsourced from the community here

Happy Reading!